By Joell Folger
Julia Child believed in being fearless. I feel it’s safe to say that we all agree that she did live a fearless and passionate life. Through her fearlessness she has inspired many people, in and out of the kitchen, myself included. Maybe my family too when I try a new recipe. Today, we are going to take fearless inspiration to talk about Christmas trees! Food to trees, pink to black, we’re going bold this season.
As we enjoy the last of the turkey leftovers, let’s take a step back from all things food. The mad dash rush to Christmas is on, honestly, it’s been going since Halloween ended. Some of you may be familiar with another branch of At Your Breck and Call services, holiday decorating. We specialize in Christmas trees. Check out this link for more information.
This year my color scheme has taken a few turns to finally land on black! With pink and green accents, silver if any more sparkle is needed. Originally, the family was on board for a pink Christmas setting the visions of pinks dancing through my thoughts and craft room. Pink will still dominate my cards, but not my tree. Eek! I’m so excited to do this.
The first fearless step was convincing my family. It was surprisingly easy. They might have even been a little relieved about the pink. Full of energy not spent convincing them that the black would be so much better than the pink, I set to work.
Spray painting the tree was my next fearless step. Trying to use what’s on hand, I went out to the shed to grab the ole tree in a box and see what was left for spray paint. There was about a generous half can of glossy black paint. Time to set to work spraying the tree, at first in pieces, then I did assemble the tree for the complete overview. That can covered quite a bit of the tree, but not all of it. Sigh, giving in, off for another can of paint I went. I am very glad for the second can of paint, I used it all. The tree is quite saturated with a glossy black, however, it is not 100% covered. I left some shades of green to mix with the black.
The decorations took some time to decide. This year, it will be green and white lights, with ribbons and bows. Using ribbons brings the idea full circle as it was a black ribbon that sparked my interest in this dramatic, but simple, black Christmas. There was this light creamy green velvet ribbon that caught my eye, and I almost said YES out loud. I will mix this ribbon with black sparkly ribbon. Simple and dramatic.
My window, door and driveway marker decorations took more turns than the tree decor. When not sure, go back to nature. I will harvest some evergreen and holly boughs from my yard, wrap it up in black ribbon and ta-da, door and driveway done. Windows, some DIY ornaments with a fun nordic print with pinks and greens, others with black ribbons and some (new) sparkly stunners. Of course soft white lights in the windows. Mercury glass anywhere it works.
How are you decorating for the holiday this year? What are some of your favorite holiday memories? Share your pictures with us on Instagram and Facebook. We’ll be posting trees that we have decorated for holiday vacations. We want to see your trees.
It’s always a good time to talk about food and Christmas. See, it all makes sense now. Right? Be fearless. Take inspiration from everyone and anything around you. Julia, nature, your family, running errands. It’s all around you, be fearless to find it.